Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Bus

Curly was adamant that she was going to ride the bus to school this morning. So I let her. We all got up early. Our bus stop is the first pick up of the morning at 7 am. Poor little Bear was still half asleep walking up to the bus stop. That little girl knows the beauty of sleep. Curly on the other hand is my naturally early riser and was already awake and picking out her clothes when I walked into her room this morning. The bus driver's name is Ms. Karen. She is super sweet. Curly thought she was big stuff getting on that bus. I was anxious all day to hear how she liked riding the bus so long in the morning while they made many other stops to pick up more kids. This was our conversation when she got off the bus this afternoon:

Me: "So how was riding the bus to school this morning?"

Curly: "Mom, the bus is so awesome. I am going to ride it to school everyday. I met a friend. She is in Kindergarten too but she has a different teacher. She said she rides the bus everyday. We will sit together."

Me: "What is her name?"

Curly: "Oh, well, we didn't talk about names."

So I'm a bit torn. I definitely don't like waking up even earlier (nor does The Bear) and walking up to the bus stop. But I don't want to deny Curly a fun experience. I'll probably end up driving her some days and letting her take the bus on other days.

Day 2 of Kindergarten was just as awesome as Day 1. Today she had PE class. Tomorrow she will have art class. She's loving every single second of Kindergarten. I hope this whole year goes this smoothly.

Ms Karen the bus driver
Waving Good-Bye

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