Sunday, April 18, 2010

Poor Daddy!

A few weeks ago, I took the girls to the park for the afternoon. Curly befriended a 6 year old little girl. This 6 year old told Curly that she was already in kindergarten and had a boyfriend. Curly responded by telling the girl that she may not be in kindergarten yet but she already had two boyfriends, one at preschool (we'll refer to him as "E") and one at church (we'll refer to him as "R"). The 6 year old's mouth fell opened as she said "Wow! I only have one". Then they ran off and continued playing.

Curly is not shy to tell people she has boyfriends. She has also decided that she will in fact marry one of these two boys. She changes her mind almost hourly as to which one she will marry.

Yesterday we took family pictures out at a park that had fields of wild buttercups. While we were getting some solo shots of The Bear, Curly went scampering off into one of the fields. A few minutes later a lady walking her dog strolled by us and mentioned that it was so sweet to see the lovely little girl picking flowers for her wedding bouquet. Say what! Yes Curly told this total stranger that she was making her wedding bouquet. Daddy just stood there shaking his head. We promised Curly that if she did well during the photo shoot that she would get a special treat after we were done. So when we finished up we headed to Curly's favorite eating establishment for lunch, Chick Fil A. While we were enjoying our lunch, in walks "R". Curly was very excited to see him; however, she is really shy around "R". So she asked me to walk over with her to say "Hi". On the ride home she told us that since she is shy around "R" she will marry "E" instead. Okay then. Today on the drive home from church Curly told us how she actually talked to "R" three times in Sunday school and since she can now talk to him she will marry "R" instead of "E". Poor Daddy just closed his eyes and shook his head.

I often remind Curly that Daddy and I were 21 when we met and 24 when we got married. I then ask Curly how old she is and she says "I'm 4". I tell her she has many many years to just enjoy being friends with people before she needs to consider marriage. Daddy always reminds her that he needs to meet any boy she is considering marrying and he must give his approval. She thinks about it for a few seconds and then just says something like "Well I am going to marry "E" or "R"". Poor Daddy.

Our little bride to be

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